Are you ready to improve your relationship with your pup? Individual and group training options are available to find the best fit for your schedule, your pup, and your budget. 

Individual and group training for those who want to do better with their dogs

Your Connecticut Fear Free Dog Trainer



Small group classes are open now!

KBDB Group Training is focused on small groups of no more than 8 dogs, so there is enough time to make sure your dog gets the attention they need during classes!

Does your pup need more time and attention? Does your pup prefer not to be around other dogs?
Private training is a great way to get the most out of your training sessions and know your sessions are focused on the skills you're looking to improve.

Learn more

Say hello! Contact me to set up your initial consult session. I can't wait to learn about you and your pup!

During our initial session, we go over the basics of your dog's life, their training history and future goals. Health and daily routine information is discussed and any improvements suggested. Enrichment options, exercise guidelines, nutrition suggestions etc are discussed if necessary. I give an overview to learning theory and why my approach with positive reinforcement training works. We lay some groundwork on a few training games and equip you to practice them in preparation for further lessons. These basic skills are the foundation of communication between you and your dog, and play heavily into long term learning!

Your follow-up sessions can work on up to three skills and can answer any questions you have for work at home. These sessions can reinforce the behavior and always include homework to continue enriching your relationship with your dog.

Follow-up sessions are available in packages of 4 or 6 sessions.

While there isn't a defined "graduation" to when our sessions together end, when you feel confident and comfortable working with your pup on the skills we've been addressing,  you can move forward with the knowledge and skills to truly enjoy your relationship with your pup!

working with me & what to expect

Private Training

group training

Current group training classes:

Puppy Manners

Family Dog Manners

Intermediate Tricks

training steps

Step one: Meet the dog's needs

Step two: Manage their environment

If I'm not certain my dog will make the correct choice, I'm going to choose for him! Utilizing strategic management strategies, we *prevent* problem behaviors from being practiced so we can teach alternatives. 

Using rewards our dog wants to work for like food and toys, we show them the behavior we *want* them to do, and then let them earn their reward. We start with baby steps that are *easy* and fun for both dog and human to succeed at, and we build up to more challenging behavior.

Daily homework is assigned for every lesson to help the human end of the leash remember our training tasks. Follow-through is key! Changing behavior takes time, patience, and practice even for humans. Dogs learn the same way!

Step three: Teach New skills

step four: practice makes permanent

Training a dog involves changing habits and learning new skills for *both* ends of the leash. Similar to a human learning a new language or ability, it helps to break the steps into manageable pieces for the learner!

Ensuring our dogs are starting off from a healthy place is top priority. Dogs need exercise and stimulation, good food, plenty of sleep, and attention from their humans. Meet their needs FIRST, and they'll be in a better state to learn the skills we need from them. 

Baltic, CT
Bozrah, CT
Canonchet, RI
East Lyme, CT
Ellis Flats, RI
Exeter, RI
Fitchville, CT
Franklin, CT
Gilman, CT
Groton, CT
Hope Valley, RI

Baltic, CT
Bozrah, CT
Canonchet, RI
East Lyme, CT
Ellis Flats, RI
Exeter, RI
Fitchville, CT
Franklin, CT

Gilman, CT
Groton, CT
Hope Valley, RI
Baltic, CT
Bozrah, CT
Canonchet, RI
East Lyme, CT
Ellis Flats, RI

Hopeville, CT
Hopkinton, RI
Jewett City, CT
Ledyard, CT
Montville, CT
Moscow, RI
Mystic, CT
New London, CT
North Stonington, CT
Norwich, CT
Occum, CT

Exeter, RI
Franklin, CT
Gilman, CT
Groton, CT
Hope Valley, RI
Hopeville, CT
Hopkinton, RI
Jewett City, CT

Preston, CT
Richmond, RI
Salem, CT
Stonington, CT
Versailles, CT
Voluntown, CT
Waterford, CT
Westerly, RI
Wyoming, RI
Yantic, CT
...and more!

Ledyard, CT
Montville, CT
Moscow, RI
Mystic, CT
New London, CT
North Stonington, CT
Norwich, CT
Preston, CT

Richmond, RI
Salem, CT
Stonington, CT
Voluntown, CT
Waterford, CT
Westerly, RI
Yantic, CT
...and more!

Note: A fee applies for travel beyond 20 miles of Mystic, CT

Serving Eastern Connecticut & Rhode Island